Queer Theory of No End

Saturday, January 15, 2005

The joys of life

In a matter of a few months, I will become a mother. Pregnancy is like an evolution- not only physically but also mentally. Physically I have evolved from a 47kg to a currently 56kg person having big bosoms, enormous buttocks and gigantic thighs. Don’t let me start about the size of my tummy! Mentally I’m unconsciously realizing small details in life and its meaning. I am also more sensitive to my own feelings and others.

I am a person who is not easily psyched. The last time I was totally psyched out was when I went for the Big Giant Drop in Dream World, Gold Coast, Australia. Recently I got totally psyched when my baby moves actively in my tummy, like making a summersault in a confined space! I always thought that the only movements that a mother can feel is a kick and hand positioning but I was wrong! The feeling is overwhelming.

The question is… what are the joys of life? Mine would be one right now. To me, being loved and loving is the ultimate. Love is a feeling that cannot be described in a few words. It also has a few shades and depths to it.


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